Top 65 Best Widgets for Blogger/BlogSpot - The Killer Mind

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Top 65 Best Widgets for Blogger/BlogSpot

Are you looking for some best widgets for your Blogge blog? No doybt, there are lots of free widgets are available for Blogger that you can install in your blog/website. AS, in case of wordpress one can easily browse the thousands of plugins from the WP plugin directory but, it’s not true in case of free BlogSpot because it does’t offers such a gallery or a place where you can browse all the widgets that you need. Instead , you can search it on Google to find some best and useful widgets for your blog. Lots of developers makes their efforts to develop the useful stuff for your blog and you can see that is one of the best place to find the quality widgets for your blog. Also you can browse the way2blogging and many other websites where you can easily find out the different types of plugins. So, every one wants to make his blog looking professional and compete well with their competitors. Therefore to make your blog elegant that looks pretty you must install some useful widgets such as customized popular posts, recent comments, social media subscription and share, email subscription and more.
Don’t install more then desired widgets in your blog because it may slow down your website that search engines hates. The below selection is from the trusted bloggers that you can easily install with the certain instructions by the developers. In case of any troubleshoot, you can always leave the comment and also contact with the widget developer. We are just listing with the direct link to the author website so that you can get more information about the widget.

Customizing Blogger's New Feature - About Author Below Posts

This widget is linked to your Google+ id and it fetch out the description part and name of the author from your Google+ profile. You can easily install and configure it with your Google plus ID.

 Author Below Posts for blogger

Creative: Pure Css3 Download Button for Blogger

Here, are some cool CSS3 powered buttons with hover effect. There are multiple colors to choose from and fully free to use for your blog.

CSS3 Download Button for Blogger

Show Next & Previous Post Titles in Blogger with jQuery Navigation

This is what most of the bloggers want. This widget will setup the page navigation after every post. The readers can easily navigate to previous and next post.
Show Next & Previous Post Titles in Blogger

How to add Pure CSS Sticky Notification Bar for Blogger/Website

This sticky bar is build with CSS3 properties. There is full option to customize it more according to your theme. Now, you can announce the special offers and news right on this bar.

Pure CSS Sticky Notification Bar Blogger/Website

Automatically Open all External Links in a New Window in Blogger

If you worry about the external link opening in the new tab of your blog. this widget will help you to how to open all the external links in the new tab.

External Links in a New Window in Blogger

Show Random Headlines Inside Sticky Floating Bar

If you want to announce some special events or unique news of your blog you can use/install this widget in your blog. Fully CSS3 powered and easy to customize.
Random Headlines Inside Sticky Floating Bar blogger

How to setup a custom Domain and Sub-domain with your Blogger Blog

This widget will hep you to setup the custom domain on your blogger blog. Also there is a description of how to setup the sub domain. Fully featured and easy tutorial for newbies.

setup a custom Domain and Sub-domain on Blogger Blog

How To Use Zocial Icon Fonts In Blogger?

If you are looking for how to use the zocial icons in your blog. Then this widget is the complete description and easy installation.

Use Zocial Icon Fonts In Blogger?

Hongkiat Like Popular Post Widget For Bloggers

There are lots of styles are available in popular posts for blogger. But this is the unique one that is lloking like the Clean and professionally coded.

Popular Post Widget For Bloggers

Facebook Popup Like Box With Jquery To Your Blogger Blog

This widget will hep you to increase the likes of your page. There are the settings how often this popup appears. So, you can easily configure it with your desired settings.

Facebook Popup Like Box for Blogger Blog

Make Blogger Footer Credit Attribute Non Removable

If you want to non remove of your credit link on the templates or any widget that you developed. Then this description will help you to do so. Simple and easy explanation.

Widgets for Blogger/BlogSpot

How To Make Any Widget Sticky

This is the best way to make any widget in your blog sticky while scrolling. Sometimes you want to get attract to certain ad or any other part of your blog by make it sticking.

How To Make Any Widget Sticky in Blogger

Official Facebook Recommendations Bar Widget for Blogger / Blogspot

This is the best way to increase your page views by Facebook recommendation bar. The popular posts on Facebook will be recommend after some scrolling distance.

Facebook Recommendations Bar Widget for Blogger / Blogspot

Fancy Blogger Threaded Comments with Comment Counter!

this is designed by MBT and one of the most popular thread comment system for blogger blog. You can easily replace the old style with this ice one.

Fancy Blogger Threaded Comments with Comment Counter!

How to Design Professional Blogger Label Style

Labels are the most important part of any blog. To get attract the visitors to the main categories of your blog you must have some unique style.

How to Design Professional Blogger Label Style

How to Fix Google Authorship Markup Warnings for WP/Blogger

If you are trying to show your image in search results but failed due to some errors. This is what you need to fix. Fully featured explanation of how to fix Google authorship markup warnings?

Fix Google Authorship Markup Warnings for WP/Blogger

Animated Featured Posts Slider Widget For Blogger

To get the attentio of visitors and to increase the page views. You can use this widget to slide your posts in a more decent way using the J-quey animation and CSS3 powers.

Animated Featured Posts Slider Widget For Blogger

Don’t Forget To Join Our Community Popup Widget for Blogger

This popup will be a good way to increase your social media subscription of twitter and Facebook. There are multi-colors are available to choose from.

Popup Widget for Blogger

Add Amazing jQuery Plugin for Displaying YouTube Video Feed

If you are doing the video blogging and want to display your youtube feed on your blog then this is what you are looking for. easy description and a best style.

jQuery Plugin for Displaying YouTube Video Feed

Page Peel effect with jQuery & CSS to Blogger

For many bloggers want to make announcements or get attraction of certain news they can use this page peel effect build with CSS3 and J-query. It;s simple and clean.

Page Peel effect with jQuery & CSS to Blogger

Add Simple jQuery Bar To Blogger

Beautiful notification bar with close option. you can announce special offers and other unique news right with this great look J-query bar. Enjoy!
Add Simple jQuery sticky Bar To Blogger

How to Use Blogger, Disqus and Facebook Comment tab Together on Blogger blog?

If you are looking for the combined comment system for your blogger blog with Disqus, facebook and Blogger then this post will share the best tutorial. Easy installation.

Blogger, Disqus and Facebook Comment Blogger blog

How To Integrate DISQUS Comment System in Blogger Blog?

This widget comes with how to integrate the Disqus comment system for your blog. Easy to follow steps of how to install the Disqus comments system in Blogger blog.

DISQUS Comment System in Blogger Blog

Way To Use Disqus and Google+ Comment Together

Here you can Integrate the Google + and Disqus comment in your Blogspot blog.

Disqus and Google+ Comment Together

How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger

Google search is a simple and quick solution for blog navigation and this article will let you know how to add the custom Google search in your blog.
Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger

How To Add Next & Previous Numbered Pagination in Blogger

Mostly the old coded Blogger templates comes with Next and previous post/article format at the home page. If you want to add the beautiful pagination in your blog instead of next and previous post just read the article.

Next & Previous Numbered Pagination in Blogger

How To Display,Hide Blogger Widgets On Specific Pages?

Here you will find the complete description of how to show and hide widgets in homepage, content pages, specific pages and more.

Display,Hide Blogger Widgets

Add Numbered page navigation widget for blogger

Beautiful numbered pagination in different styles. easy to follow steps to add pagination in your blog in place of default next/previous post.
Add Numbered page navigation widget for blogger

Follow Me button on the Background and the Transition

Cool CSS3 expandable social media subscription widget for blog. It is fully CSS3 with cool hover and animation.

css3 animated social media widget blogger

CSS image slider with thumbnail for Blogger

This widget comes with the best and useful image slider for your blog. Hover and animation effects that build with jquery, HTML and CSS. This is designed by the

CSS image slider with thumbnail for Blogger

Stylish Note, Announce, Success and Warning Boxes For Blogger

Success and Warning Boxes For Blogger

Remove MBT's Water Mark From Notification Bar

MBT Notification Bar for blogger

Create Separate Contact Page in Blogger

Create Separate Contact Page in Blogger

Related Posts Blogger Widget and LinkedWithIn for Blogger

Related Posts Blogger Widget LinkedWithIn

Add Comment count to Post Header Titles in Blogger

Add Comment count to Post Header Titles in Blogger

Scrolling AdSense Ad After Moving Down a Certain Distance From Top

Scrolling AdSense blogger widget

How to Add Yahoo Smileys on Blogger Threaded Comments?

Yahoo Smileys on Blogger Threaded Comments

Most Commented Posts Widget for Blogger with Comment bubbles!

Most Commented Posts Widget for Blogger

How To Make Blogger Widgets Sticky That Scrolls With Page

Blogger Widgets Sticky

CSS Push Buttons Like Css-Tricks

CSS Push Buttons Like Css-Tricks

New AJAX Navigation Menu Widget for Blogger

New AJAX Navigation Menu Widget for Blogger

Create Accordion Widget in Blogger

Create Accordion Widget in Blogger

Popular Posts With Automatic Numbering - Bubbles!

Popular Posts With Automatic Numbering

How to add twitter summary card to blogger Perfectly

twitter summary card to blogger

WP - Fanciest Author Box converted for Blogger Blog

WP - Fanciest Author Box converted for Blogger Blog

Customize Navigation Scroll-Bar With CSS3

Customize Navigation Scroll-Bar With CSS3

Flat Flipping Floating Stay Connected Widget For Blogger

Stay Connected Widget For Blogger

Fancy Ribbon Backgrounds For Blogger Sidebars!

Fancy Ribbon Backgrounds For Blogger

Remove all Structured Data Errors on your Blogs!

Remove all Structured Data Errors

Awesome Multi-Colored Popular Posts Widget for Blogger powered CSS3

Popular Posts Widget for Blogger

How To Add Pure CSS3 Content Tabs in Blogger

Pure CSS3 Content Tabs in Blogger

Auto Read More Summary Without Jquery & CSS for Blogger Blog

Read More Summary Blogger Blog

'Social Buttons Profile' Thesis Email Subscription Widget

Email Subscription Widget

How To Add Twitter Feeds Widget in Blogger

Twitter Feeds Widget in Blogger

4 different styles of the Popular posts widget for blogger

Popular posts widget for blogger

Orbit-J-query image slider plugin for blogger

Orbit-J-query image slider plugin for blogger

CSS animated social share widget blogger

CSS animated social share widget blogger

J-query Sliding Panel with expanding/Collapsing content for blogger

J-query Sliding Panel for blogger

Simple Flat UI Email Subscription Box For Blogger

This is most updated and cool email subscription widget. You can install it in your sidebar or any place that makes sense. Clear and clean user-friendly design, thanks to Bloggeryard for providing such a cool subscription form for blogger.

Flat UI Email Subscription Box For Blogger

How To Add Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger

That's nice solution for beautiful buttons in blogger. Here you will browse how to add the multi-color ui buttons in your blog with blue, green, red, pink and purple buttons.

Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger

Customized Colorful Flat UI Labels Cloud Widget For Blogger

Change the look and feel of your default labels with cool new user-friendly customized labels in your blog. See below screenshot to know the difference between the two.

Flat UI Labels Cloud Widget For Blogger

How to Install Disqus comment System Manually on Blogger

Disqus comment System For Blogger

Professional Social Sidebar Widget for Blogger and Website 2013

This is sidebar floating social subscription buttons that include the Facebook, Google plus, Feedburner feed and tumbler. easy to install with clear coding.

sidebar sticky social media widget blogger

New Light Box Social Sharing widget for Blogger

Beautiful social media share buton on click. With Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and Lindin the most popular social services. New and cool widget for your blogger blog.

Light Box Social Sharing widget for Blogger

How To Create Sitemap Page in Blogger

How To Create Sitemap Page in Blogger

We hope you enjoyed the above widgets for blogger blog. The whole list is useful that includes the best and diversified widgets to make your blog elegant and stylish. If you think we are missing the useful widget that must be in the above collection. You can tell us in below section.

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