How to Hack Facebook Account - The Killer Mind

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How to Hack Facebook Account

After the invention of facebook, hacking has become the hobby for people. Today everybody is wanted to be a hacker and wanted to hack something. But hacking really requires programming and networking skills. But if your wanted to hack facebook. Then, this can be done by using some tricks and this is what we gonna see in this post. This trick doesn't requires any programming skills. You just have to follow the steps. So, do you want to hack anyone's Facebook Account ?

If yes then let's Quickly start !!!

Now, there are various techniques to hack anyone's Facebook account and the one of them is called Phishing. While, for the rest of the techniques soon I'll write in my upcoming posts.

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What Is Phishing ?

Phishing is the most well known and most widely used hacking technique. It is used to hack anyone's Username and Password by making fake login pages. In this Technique we will create the similar looking page of any website which we wanted to hack. Here we are going to make similar looking page of Facebook. You can also create Phishing pages ofyahoomail gmailskype etc or you can simply ask me through comments and I'll give you the Phishing Page of those website . 

This is the simplest hacking trick to hack anyone's Username and Password as no programming skills are required for it. Anyone who have basic knowledge of Internet can learn this trick. In this Trick victim gets fooled by looking at the Phishing page and simply enter his or her Username and Password and it will be stored to your Database.

How To Hack Facebook Account 

Step 1 :- First you need to create account on any Free Web Hosting Website to host your Phisher page on the web. There are many website which provide Free Web Hosting Service upto Certain GB's.

The Website like :- 000webhostbyethostt35freehostia110mb0feesbizwix etc.

I've made account on 000webhost

you can make free account by clicking on Sign up and Log-in in by clicking Members area.

Step 2 :- In all the above website they will provide you there domain 
for example :- In my case they gave me So, you can see these type of domain's doesn't look so good and also they are pretty hard to remember . So, You can also get the free Domain from the below link.

  • 30 Companies/Websites Providing Free Domain
Also See :- How to Setup Custom Domain in Blogger 

Step 3 :- Now, login into your free hosting website's account and change it with your domain. 

 The Snap shot is of You can change your Domain name inside C-Panel and in that Parked Domains Option as show in the above snap shot.

Note :- Skip Step 3, if you've Skipped Step 2.

Step 4 :- Now, go to File Manager you'll find that Option inside the C-Panel.

here you've to upload Facebook Phisher Page. First Download it from HERE and extract it !
Now, just go into File Manager inside that you'll find Pulic_html Folder inside that you will get default.php file which you have to delete and upload the files which you have just downloaded from HERE !

If you won't delete default.php file you'll will get error though you have Uploaded your files. So, just select it and delete it and upload the Files of Facebook Phisher Page in the same Folder Called Pulic_html.

Step 5 :- Your Fake Facebook page is online now. You just have to share it on various Social Medias as if people visit there and tries login into Facebook from that Page.

Now can you say that the above snap-shot is of Fake Facebook Page or Facebook Phisher Page.

Here when the User after inserting his/her Username and Password Hit Login the Script will save credential of User into your log.txt file.

Step 6 :- In the above step user has just entered his or her Username and Password which is already stored into your database and user can't come to know any day that you have Hacked his Facebook account.

Also See :
  • 20 Facebook Tips and Tricks you might not know
  • How to Change Facebook Login Page

Now again Login into Free Hosting Website's account and visit where you have uploaded the File of Facebook Phisher Page. In that you'll find one file Called log.txt which I've made for Storing Username and Password. 

Just Click on that file i.e log.txt and you can View the Stolen/Hacked Username and Password's  of Victim's.

That's it the Hacking has been done. Now, you know your Friend's Username and Password and you can Simply login into there Facebook Account's .

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So How To Get Protected ?

Though we're using Internet Since long we made the Common Mistakes as we're not looking for the URL's.

Firstly Look for Official URL's Like For Facebook It should be only and if some hacker is very very smart and found the very similar Domain or made very similar URL of Facebook.

Then secondly you need to watch the Color of https:\\ . It Must be Green for Valid Sites.

The above Snap shot is of official facebook. Firstly Look at the URL and secondly Look at the Color of https:\\ its Green. So, its the Official Website of Facebook. 

So, this was all about how to hack Facebook account using phishing technique. Hope you found this post worth reading. Please do share this article with your social media friends and also Subscribe for SolveMyHow newsletter to get exciting hacking tips right into your INBOX ! 

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