How to Enable and Add Custom Robots.txt File in BloggerHow to Enable and Add Custom Robots.txt File in Blogger - The Killer Mind

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How to Enable and Add Custom Robots.txt File in BloggerHow to Enable and Add Custom Robots.txt File in Blogger

Before starting this post I hope you guys know the the importance of search engine optimization and search ranking in any search engine sites specially Google and Bing because mostly people prefer these two only. So, This post is related with search rank only. Today, I come up with the most useful and important term of blogging world called Robots.txt !

I hope most of the blogger's are very well aware of this term. Robots.txt is called Custom Robots.txt in blogger. 

Also See :-

Robots.txt is a simple text file which contains the few lines of simple code. It might be saved on either website or blog's server and its task is to instruct the web crawlers to how to index and crawl your blog/website in the search results. So, now you have the power to tell the web crawlers that what to index on search results. It simply means that you can restrict few web pages of your blog/website to get Indexed.

So, from the above thing we can conclude that the search crawlers first crawl your blog's robots.txt file and then they'll crawl the web pages.

How to Enable Custom Robots.txt ?

Enabling Custom Robots.txt is very easy. You just have to locate to that palce. 

Step 1 :- Sign In to Blogger.

Step 2 :- Go to Setting >> Search Preferences.
In "Crawling and Indexing" you'll get the "Custom Robots.txt" Option.

Step 3 :- Click on Edit >> Enable it and Follow the steps below. 

Also See :-
  • How to Change Facebook Login Page
  • How to Get Facebook Auto Likes and Comments on Facebook Status, Pics and Fan Page
  • How to Hack Facebook Account

How to Add Custom Robots.txt ? 

Now, here you have to paste the robots.txt file. 

Step 4 :- Open new tab in the Browser.
Here, type your blog's URL followed by /robots.txt !

Example :-

Step 5 :- Copy and Paste that Code in Custom Robots.txt !

Step 6 :- Save It, You're done.

Now go ahead Set Custom Robots Header Tags In Blogger and make your blog more SEO friendly.

FAQ :-

Q) I'm not getting my Robots.txt file ?

See every blog hosted on blogger have its default robots.txt file,

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

If you're getting the same file shown above that simply means that you've not submitted your sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools Sitemap. So, first you've to generate the Sitemap for your blog and then you've to submit it in Google Webmaster Tools.

If you've any doubt in adding or enabling custom robots.txt in blogger then do let me know in comments below and if you like this post. Then, do share it with your social media friends also subscribe for SolveMyHow newsletter to get exciting blogging tips right into your INBOX  :)

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