30 Companies/Websites Providing Free Domain - The Killer Mind

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

30 Companies/Websites Providing Free Domain

Are you a blogger and do wanted the fast approval to the Google adsense ?

So, you must need custom domain to qualify for adsense program these days. Because according to new Terms of Google Adsense. Your blog should be atleast 6 months old if you belong to either of two countries India or China or the trick is you should have custom domain.

Also See :-

Custom domain is not only important for Google Adsense but it also has many other advantages too. One of them is you canincrease your blog's traffic.

So, you should need to spend some money and buy the custom domain either from Godaddy or Bigrock and change your default domain to Custom domain.

For Example :- moving from solvemyhow.blogspot.com to solvemyhow.com !

It's good to have either .com/.org/.in kind of domains but if you do not want to spent the single buck until and unless you made some from adsense. Then you can go for free domain providing companies !

Don't worry the free domain works as similar as your paid domain and you can also get approval to the adsense program easily and obviously you can shift to paid domain anytime you want. 

30 Companies/Websites Providing Free Domain ! 

1)  FreeNom
Freenom allows you to book free domain with 4 different types of extentions.

For Example :- solvemyhow.CF, solvemyhow.GA, etc !

2) COdotVU
COdotVU allows you to register with .co.vu extension.

For Example :- solvemyhow.co.vu

3) dotTK
DotTk allows you to register with .TK extension. 

For Example :- solvemyhow.TK

4) CO.NR
CO.NR allows you to register with co.nr extension.

For Example :- solvemyhow.co.nr

5) CU.CC
CU.CC allows you to register with .cu.cc extension.

For Example :- solvemyhow.cu.cc

Also See :- 
  • How to do Power Searching With Google
  • How to Save/Sync Browser Data with Mozilla Firefox

Get the list of rest of 25 companies providing Free Domain.

See and select the desirable Suffix/Extension and Register for it and if you don't like the Suffixes on 1st page. Then Click NEXT to go on 2nd page and repeat the same process !

Certainly, There are 4 pages see all and select one desirable suffix and register your domain for free and Enjoy !

Do you know any other companies/website's except these 30 which are providing FREE DOMAIN and are you using the FREE DOMAIN for your blog ? 
Please don't forget to share free domain providing company/website's name/URL and your website's URL if you're using free domain via comments !

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